BillMart brings you Lease Rental Discounting (LRD), a specialized financing solution designed to unlock the value of future rental cash flows. This product enables property owners to access immediate funds by leveraging their lease agreements with tenants.

How Lease Rental Discounting Works?
  • The property owners (Borrower) put forward funding request from financer based on rental bonds and bond due date, repayment schedule agreement with Operators.
  • For such transaction, Operators will act as approval party only.
  • Based on validation of the transaction for parameters like operational limit availability, validity of bonds, etc. financer is instantaneously processing for disbursement by considering the interest parameter into the property owner’s account.
  • As per the repayment schedule property owners (Borrower) processes for repayment to the financer.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

  • 1. How do I Register as Business on the BillMart platform?
    Registering on BillMart is a quite simple process for any entity. A business user can sign-up on the platform with just a few clicks and fully digital documentations by submitting the details depending upon the type of entity and services it wants to avail, like KYC, GSTIN, CIN, Bank Details, MSME Registration Detail and upload documents for authorization, bank statements etc. Once a registration request is submitted, generally it takes about 2 business days for Business to start using facilities on the Platform.
  • 2.Are there any registration or transaction charges for using services on the BillMart platform?
    No. Presently there are no charges for registration, data & documentation charges, annual charges or transaction charges on the Platform.
  • 3. Who can register the entity on BillMart to complete the Business onboarding?
    Depending upon the type of entity and services Business wants to avail, an Authorised Person is required to digitally sign the documents with digital signature or Aadhar based e-sign.
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